Start out by laying the piece of fleece that will be the back of your blanket, right side down, on your work surface. I was making a baby-sized blanket so it fit on my work counter, but it works better with a larger blanket to lay it out on a floor. Smooth out the piece of fleece using your hand.
The next step is to prepare the front piece of fabric...
Now, lay the piece of fleece that will be the front of your blanket, right side up, on top of the first piece of fleece. Again, smooth out the piece of fleece with your hand so it lies flat.
Next you need to trim your fabric...
Make sure you cut through both piece of fleece and trim your fleece to whatever size you want your blanket to be. The cuts do not have to be perfectly even. Please keep in mind, the finished blanket will appear about 8- to 10-inches smaller than the size you cut because of the fringe!
Now you need to measure the corners...
The first thing you want to do is to is prepare your corners to be cut. The key here is to measure in, from the corner, the same length as what you will make your fringe. I am cutting my fringe about 4-inches long, so I measured in 4-inches from each side in the corner. Mark your lines and repeat this for each corner.
The next step is to cut your corners...
Next, simply cut off each corner square that you marked. Hold both fabrics together and cut through both layers. Don't worry about the lines being perfectly even. Once they are tied together you will never notice any differences.
You are now ready to cut fringe around your blanket...
All you do now is cut fringe along each edge. Make sure you cut through both thicknesses of fleece. My fringe is about 4-inches long and 1 1/2- to 2-inches wide. You can make your fringe longer than this, but I would suggest not going much smaller. Anything too much smaller than what I cut would be hard to tie.
Once your fringe is cut, you can begin tying it..
To attach the top piece of fleece to the bottom piece of fleece, you simply tie the fringe together. Grab a set of fringe pieces (a back and front piece), and tie a simple overhand knot in them.
Now your fleece blanket is almost done...
Continue tying the pieces of fleece together until you have worked your way all around the blanket. Your fleece tied blanket is now done. You can, of course, add some personal touches if you like. You can embellish your blanket using fabric paint, buttons, or even heat activated crystals