Monday, December 1, 2014

Craft Stick Skis and Ribbon Candy

Craft Stick Skis and Ribbon Candy

Craft Stick Skis: Paint two wooden craft sticks (Craft Smart Acrylic Paint in Pale Blue, 69 cents; Adjoin sticks with hot-glue making an X. Paint two toothpicks white. Hot-glue metal snaps (we used size 1) to one end of each stick. Color opposite ends black. Hot-glue a ¾" piece of twine in a loop to each black end. Hot-glue one pole to the top ski. Glue second pole at center of first. Glue twine to ski tops to hang.
Ribbon Candy: Coat a 24" piece of ribbon in fabric stiffener. Hang to dry (about an hour). Fold ribbon into loops as shown above, adding a dab of hot-glue between each layer. Glue a bead to the top and bottom. Add an extra dab of glue on the top; affix loop of string to hang.

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